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Populating Templates

This section documents the classes and functions for populating templates with user-provided variables.



Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for template populating strategies.

Source code in prompt_templates/
class TemplatePopulator(ABC):
    """Abstract base class for template populating strategies."""

    def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        """Populate the template with given user_provided_variables."""

    def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
        """Extract variable names from template."""

populate abstractmethod

populate(template_str, user_provided_variables)

Populate the template with given user_provided_variables.

Source code in prompt_templates/
def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Populate the template with given user_provided_variables."""

get_variable_names abstractmethod


Extract variable names from template.

Source code in prompt_templates/
def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
    """Extract variable names from template."""


Bases: TemplatePopulator

Template populator using regex for basic {var} substitution.

Source code in prompt_templates/
class SingleBracePopulator(TemplatePopulator):
    """Template populator using regex for basic {var} substitution."""

    def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        pattern = re.compile(r"\{([^{}]+)\}")

        def replacer(match: Match[str]) -> str:
            key =
            if key not in user_provided_variables:
                raise ValueError(f"Variable '{key}' not found in provided variables")
            return str(user_provided_variables[key])

        return pattern.sub(replacer, template_str)

    def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
        pattern = re.compile(r"\{([^{}]+)\}")
        return { for match in pattern.finditer(template_str)}


Bases: TemplatePopulator

Template populator using regex for {{var}} substitution.

Source code in prompt_templates/
class DoubleBracePopulator(TemplatePopulator):
    """Template populator using regex for {{var}} substitution."""

    def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        pattern = re.compile(r"\{\{([^{}]+)\}\}")

        def replacer(match: Match[str]) -> str:
            key =
            if key not in user_provided_variables:
                raise ValueError(f"Variable '{key}' not found in provided variables")
            return str(user_provided_variables[key])

        return pattern.sub(replacer, template_str)

    def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
        pattern = re.compile(r"\{\{([^{}]+)\}\}")
        return { for match in pattern.finditer(template_str)}


Bases: TemplatePopulator

Jinja2 template populator with configurable security levels.

Security Levels
  • strict: Minimal set of features, highest security Filters: lower, upper, title, safe Tests: defined, undefined, none Env: autoescape=True, no caching, no globals, no auto-reload
  • standard (default): Balanced set of features Filters: lower, upper, title, capitalize, trim, strip, replace, safe, int, float, join, split, length Tests: defined, undefined, none, number, string, sequence Env: autoescape=True, limited caching, basic globals, no auto-reload
  • relaxed: Default Jinja2 behavior (use with trusted templates only) All default Jinja2 features enabled Env: autoescape=False, full caching, all globals, auto-reload allowed


Name Type Description Default
security_level Jinja2SecurityLevel

Level of security restrictions ("strict", "standard", "relaxed")

Source code in prompt_templates/
class Jinja2TemplatePopulator(TemplatePopulator):
    """Jinja2 template populator with configurable security levels.

    Security Levels:
        - strict: Minimal set of features, highest security
            Filters: lower, upper, title, safe
            Tests: defined, undefined, none
            Env: autoescape=True, no caching, no globals, no auto-reload
        - standard (default): Balanced set of features
            Filters: lower, upper, title, capitalize, trim, strip, replace, safe,
                    int, float, join, split, length
            Tests: defined, undefined, none, number, string, sequence
            Env: autoescape=True, limited caching, basic globals, no auto-reload
        - relaxed: Default Jinja2 behavior (use with trusted templates only)
            All default Jinja2 features enabled
            Env: autoescape=False, full caching, all globals, auto-reload allowed

        security_level: Level of security restrictions ("strict", "standard", "relaxed")

    def __init__(self, security_level: Jinja2SecurityLevel = "standard"):
        # Store security level for error messages
        self.security_level = security_level

        if security_level == "strict":
            # Most restrictive settings
            self.env = SandboxedEnvironment(
                autoescape=True,  # Force autoescaping
                cache_size=0,  # Disable caching
                auto_reload=False,  # Disable auto reload
            # Remove all globals

            # Minimal set of features
            safe_filters = {"lower", "upper", "title"}
            safe_tests = {"defined", "undefined", "none"}

        elif security_level == "standard":
            # Balanced settings
            self.env = SandboxedEnvironment(
                cache_size=100,  # Limited cache
                auto_reload=False,  # Still no auto reload
            # Allow some safe globals
                    "range": range,  # Useful for iterations
                    "dict": dict,  # Basic dict operations
                    "len": len,  # Length calculations

            # Balanced set of features
            safe_filters = {
            safe_tests = {"defined", "undefined", "none", "number", "string", "sequence"}

        elif security_level == "relaxed":
            self.env = Environment(
                autoescape=False,  # Default Jinja2 behavior
                cache_size=400,  # Default cache size
                auto_reload=True,  # Allow auto reload
            # Keep all default globals and features
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid security level: {security_level}")

        # Apply security settings for strict and standard modes
        self._apply_security_settings(safe_filters, safe_tests)

    def _apply_security_settings(self, safe_filters: Set[str], safe_tests: Set[str]) -> None:
        """Apply security settings by removing unsafe filters and tests."""
        # Remove unsafe filters
        unsafe_filters = set(self.env.filters.keys()) - safe_filters
        for unsafe in unsafe_filters:
            self.env.filters.pop(unsafe, None)

        # Remove unsafe tests
        unsafe_tests = set(self.env.tests.keys()) - safe_tests
        for unsafe in unsafe_tests:
            self.env.tests.pop(unsafe, None)

    def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        """Populate the template with given user_provided_variables."""
            template = self.env.from_string(template_str)
            populated = template.render(**user_provided_variables)
            # Ensure we return a string for mypy
            return str(populated)
        except jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid template syntax at line {e.lineno}: {str(e)}\n" f"Security level: {self.security_level}"
            ) from e
        except jinja2.UndefinedError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Undefined variable in template: {str(e)}\n" "Make sure all required variables are provided"
            ) from e
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Error populating template: {str(e)}") from e

    def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
        """Extract variable names from template."""
            ast = self.env.parse(template_str)
            variables = meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
            # Ensure we return a set of strings for mypy
            return {str(var) for var in variables}
        except jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid template syntax: {str(e)}") from e


populate(template_str, user_provided_variables)

Populate the template with given user_provided_variables.

Source code in prompt_templates/
def populate(self, template_str: str, user_provided_variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Populate the template with given user_provided_variables."""
        template = self.env.from_string(template_str)
        populated = template.render(**user_provided_variables)
        # Ensure we return a string for mypy
        return str(populated)
    except jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid template syntax at line {e.lineno}: {str(e)}\n" f"Security level: {self.security_level}"
        ) from e
    except jinja2.UndefinedError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Undefined variable in template: {str(e)}\n" "Make sure all required variables are provided"
        ) from e
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Error populating template: {str(e)}") from e



Extract variable names from template.

Source code in prompt_templates/
def get_variable_names(self, template_str: str) -> Set[str]:
    """Extract variable names from template."""
        ast = self.env.parse(template_str)
        variables = meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
        # Ensure we return a set of strings for mypy
        return {str(var) for var in variables}
    except jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid template syntax: {str(e)}") from e